
5.1    Summary of findings
From our findings,we found out that it was possible to build a pH sensor as most of the parts can be found in a nearby hardware store.Although,it is quite hard to acquire the pH probe and it is also quite expensive and it has to be purchased by online means.

5.2    Practical Applications
If we manage to get less than 0.1% error,we have decided to extend our project to build a system. We would attach or mount our pH sensor to an aquarium or any other places that needs a pH sensor. The pH sensor will be measuring constantly the value of the pH of the liquid at set intervals of time. If the pH sensor fluctuates drastically and over a limit therefore posing a threat it will play a loud blaring noise and notify others. Following that, the words”BEWARE pH LEVEL HIGH” will pop out on the screen. This will notify other of what exactly is the issue when after then come over upon hearing the blaring sound, giving them valuable time to save their aquarium or projects from harm before it is too late and irreversible damage has been caused    

5.3    Areas for further study

Measurement of pH has been expanding its scope and is now used in a wide range of situations, from medical to scientific purposes. One such example is that of a Esophageal pH monitoring system has been developed for medical purposes. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a common disease in western countries. In the United States, 7% of the population experiences heartburn daily and 44% at least once a month. Therefore, as a solution, the monitoring system is developed to provides direct physiologic measurement of acid in the esophagus. It is currently one of the most objective method to document reflux disease, assess the severity of the disease and monitor the response of the disease to medical or surgical treatment.This monitoring system has saved many lives by measuring the acidity in the esophagus earlier before serious, irreversible conditions occur. This acidity monitoring system has benefited the medical industry largely.

Fig 5.1
What happens during a heartburn

Fig 5.2
The pH sensor within the esophagus

Further improvements or modifications to our pH sensor could include capability for it to be used in an aquarium, and adding a buzzer that will sound off when the pH exceeds a certain range. This will be extremely useful to those with aquariums, as saltwater and freshwater fish can only survive at different pH levels. Our improved pH meter will be able to notify the owner to balance out the pH levels by sounding a buzzer.

Another way to improve our project would be to turn our project into a multipurpose sensor capable of a wide range of sensing instead of limiting it to only measuring pH. The Arduino is more than capable of this task.

Furthermore, we can add a Arduino wireless shield to enable our Arduino to transfer data over the school network. We then can have one Macbook designated as a data collector and make the data available to anyone who wants to use it for a project or any other use. Such thrilling possibilities that may spring from this.

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